Oil Tanker Seized by Iran Moving to International Waters

July 11, 2024

A Chevron-chartered oil tanker that was seized by Iran more than a year ago was heading for international waters on Thursday, LSEG ship tracking data showed.

The Marshall Islands-flagged Advantage Sweet was boarded by Iran's military in the Gulf of Oman in April 2023 after an alleged collision with an Iranian boat.

© Vladimir / Adobe Stock
© Vladimir / Adobe Stock

There was no immediate comment from Chevron or Iranian officials on Thursday on whether the vessel had been released or what discussions may have been involved.

The movement of the Advantage Sweet appeared to coincide with the reported conclusion of a court case that Iranian state-linked media have linked to the tanker.

In March this year, an Iranian court found in favour of patients who had sued the U.S. government over sanctions which they said stopped Iran importing medicine for a rare skin disease, causing deaths and suffering.

After the ruling, Iranian authorities said they would unload about $50 million worth of crude from the Advantage Sweet, the semi-official Fars news agency reported.

The report did not specify whether Iran's seizure of the tanker's oil would contribute to any compensation for the patients.

On Thursday, an Iranian court reached a final ruling in the case, ordering the U.S. government and officials to pay $6.8 billion over the sanctions, the Iranian judiciary's Mizan news agency reported.

The U.S. State Department called in March for the immediate release of the tanker.

(Reuters - Reporting by Arpan Varghese, Jonathan Saul and Dubai bureau, Editing by Angus MacSwan and Andrew Heavens)

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