Offshore Equipment Hydraulic Maintenance Tip-of-the-Day: Oil Cleanliness

October 21, 2020

Tip #3: Oil Cleanliness - Don't add regular filter changes to your maintenance schedule

Most filters have switches indicating when the element is full, and sometimes waiting for that may be too late. Changing filters on a regular service interval is a simple way to check the contamination level of a hydraulic system.

The human body's organs and blood could
The human body's organs and blood could be compared to individual components and the fluid within hydraulic/lubrication system. © PIC4U/AdobeStock

The human body's organs and blood could be compared to individual components and the fluid within hydraulic/lubrication system. If the blood is dirty, organs will start shutting down and we will physically show that we are sick. It's the same with dirty hydraulic/lubrication fluid; our components are not going to last very long, with the symptoms being intermittent faults and poor system reliability.

Learn more about the importance of offshore equipment hydraulic maintenance during a free webinar entitled: “5 Easy Ways to Ruin Your Offshore Equipment: Lessons Learned in Hydraulic Maintenance,” scheduled to be held October 28, 2020 at 11 a.m. EST.
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