Offshore Equipment Hydraulic Maintenance Tip-of-the-Day: Fluid Selection

October 20, 2020

Tip #2: Fluid Selection - Using the wrong fluid at the right time

Fluid selection plays a critical role in machine life, and it is easy to take the convenient path, which is use what is already available from other equipment. When matched with the right component, the right fluid will promote uptime, or induce failures and unplanned outages. Understanding the type of hydraulic technology, in conjunction with the proper fluid, will extend life and ensure full efficiency is achieved.

Photo: Bosch Rexroth
Photo: Bosch Rexroth

Learn more about the importance of offshore equipment hydraulic maintenance during a free webinar entitled: “5 Easy Ways to Ruin Your Offshore Equipment: Lessons Learned in Hydraulic Maintenance,” scheduled to be held October 28, 2020 at 11 a.m. EST.

Sign up here

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