Gondan Lays Keef for IMR Oceanographic Vessel
Gondan Shipyard has celebrated at its facilities in Figueras the keel laying ceremony of the new Oceanographic Research Vessel for the Institute of Marine Research (IMR) of Bergen, Norway.
Several representatives from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation), IMR (Institute of Marine Research) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) attended as well as representatives of the shipyard management.

The contract of this oceanographic vessel was signed in March last year. This sophisticated ship was awarded to Gondan Shipyard through an international tender, in which it competed with eight Norwegian and a Spanish shipyard, and in March the project was finally awarded to it.
Designed by Skipsteknisk, she will be 74.5 meters LOA and 17.4 beam. Cutting edge technology has been used to develop the vessel, which will allow her to perform oceanographic tasks - as studying the bottom of the sea - hydrographic, marine biology, biomass analysis, and geology works, launching and recovery of buoys for data collection, ROV and AUV operations, as well as logistic and cargo handling operations, and student training.
Delivery is expected for September next year.
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