NYK Opens LNG Ship Management Company in Hong Kong

May 29, 2024

In December 2023, NYK jointly established OPearl LNG Ship Management Company, a ship management company to be based in Hong Kong that will manage LNG carriers. An opening ceremony for the office was held on April 18.

OPearl was founded together with CMES LNG Shipping Company, a subsidiary of China Merchants Energy Shipping, and CETS Investment Management (HK), a subsidiary of the CNOOC Group, a Chinese energy company.

Source: NYK
Source: NYK

OPearl will manage LNG carriers, including six vessels which will be chartered to CNOOC Gas and Power Singapore Trading & Marketing.

OPearl is NYK’s sixth ship management company for LNG carriers, complementing those based in Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, France and Taiwan.

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