NSSLGlobal Brings Iridium CertusSM to Maritime Customers

August 20, 2018

NSSLGlobal has signed a Service Provider agreement with Iridium Communications Inc. that will see NSSLGlobal offer the new Iridium Certus L-Band service as part of its portfolio of maritime satcom offerings to its extensive customer base. Iridium Certus will be offered both as a standalone L-Band service and in conjunction with NSSLGlobal’s premier VSAT IP@SEA service as its preferred service assurance offering. The Iridium Certus service is suitable for vessels across the maritime spectrum, from recreational yachts and workboats to commercial fishing trawlers and merchant vessels.

Iridium Certus will initially offer speeds of up to 352kbits but by early 2019 this will double to 704kbits ensuring that the service will be the most global and fastest L-Band satellite solution available. The Iridium Certus service is enabled by Iridium NEXT, the next-generation $3bn satellite constellation of 66 low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites that provide full coverage of the Earth’s surface. With 65 satellites already launched successfully, Iridium’s 8th and final launch is planned for later this year on the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket when the last 10 satellites will be launched.

Alongside the Cobham SAILOR 4300 Iridium Certus terminal, NSSLGlobal will be offering customers its unique Cruise Control solution, which enables users to fully manage their operational and crew communications, while also offering a suite of value added services, covering everything from crew entertainment, onboard IT management, cyber security to an integrated IP PBX.

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