Global Dry Bulk Carrier Newbuilding Orders on the Rise

December 4, 2013

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Photo in public domain

Significant volumes of dry bulk carrier orders, most of them for Chinese shipyards, are reported by Clarkson Hellas in their latest S&P Weekly Bulletin, as follows:

Starting with the large sizes in dry, Oldendorff Carriers are reported to have declared the sixth in a series of 207,000 DWT Newcastlemax at HHI, with delivery in the second quarter of 2015.

Clarkson Hellas report that at Hanjin Subic, STX Pan Ocean have contracted two firm 150,000 DWT Capesize, planned for delivery in the second half of 2016 and for charter to KEPCO. One order to report in the Kamsarmax sector, with Klaveness declaring the third and fourth in a series of 82,000 DWT bulk carriers at Jiangsu New Yangzijiang. With a further two options still outstanding, these latest vessels are due to deliver in 2016.

The majority of reported ordering this week in dry has been focussed on the Ultramax sector, starting with Oldendorff Carriers again contracting six firm plus six option 64,000 DWT Ultramax at Qingshan Shipyard. Delivery of the firm vessels is planned for 2015 and 2016.

At Guangzhou Huangpu, KC Maritime have placed an order for four firm 64,000 Ultramax, with pricing undisclosed, delivery of all four vessels is due within 2016. In the same size, Clients of Golden Ocean have declared three further options at Chengxi for delivery in the first half of 2016, taking the total series to six vessels.

A similarly busy week is noted by Clarkson Hellas in the Handysize bulk carrier market, with the observation that clients of Precious Shipping have signed for two firm 38,500 DWT Handysize bulkers at Shanhaiguan, with delivery from the second quarter of 2015. Also at Qingshan, Atlantska Plovidba have declared the third vessel in a series of 38,700 DWT bulkers, due for delivery in mid-2015.

Vogemann are reported to have declared two further options for 36k Handysize at Weihai Samjin, again for delivery within 2015. Only one order to report in dry this week at a Japanese yard, with PacBasin ordering two firm 37,400 DWT bulkers at Kanda, with delivery due in the second half of 2016.

Source: Clarkson Hellas S&P Weekly Bulletin


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