New Propeller Coating for Eastern Pacific Shipping Fleet

June 28, 2023

Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) is introducing Graphite Innovation & Technologies’ graphene-based, biocide-free propeller coating across its fleet after positive results on an LPG tanker.

Graphite Innovation & Technologies (GIT) says the eco-friendly, highly durable, and ultra-low friction foul release coating, XGIT-PROP, is an effective way to improve and maintain the vessels’ CII ratings over the drydocking cycle.

Source: GIT
Source: GIT

The coating is a three-layer graphene-based coating technology that is specifically designed to withstand harsh operational conditions and reduce the need for propeller polishing. It also maintains the propulsive efficiency of the propeller and reduces damage due to cavitation, thereby lowering noise emissions.

EPS applied XGIT-PROP on the propeller of an LPG tanker, Quebec, a year ago. Since application, the vessel has seen improved performance and has maintained its CII rating. EPS therefore decided to expand the adoption of the technology and plans to apply the coating to 15 vessels that are drydocking in 2023 and 2024.

With a history spanning 60 years, EPS manages a fleet of 230 vessels across three core segments: container ships, dry bulk carriers, and tankers. Pavlos Karagiannidis, Fleet Optimisation Manager at EPS, said: “We see GIT’s propeller coatings as part of our portfolio of solutions to achieve long-term fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. We are pushing to make a positive impact on our oceans, and see GIT and their coatings as a key way to do that. This is another sustainable step forward for our company.”

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