NASSCO Awarded Long Lead Contract for ESB 6

October 17, 2018

San Diego shipbuilder General Dynamics National Steel and Shipbuilding Co. (NASSCO) has been awarded a $136.8 million undefinitized contract for the procurement of long lead time material, preproduction and engineering support for the Expeditionary Sea Base 6.

This action allows the procurement of ship sets of the purchase specifications supporting integrated propulsion, main diesel generator engines, propeller and shafting, integrated bridge electronics, centrifugal pumps, fuel and lube oil purifiers and steering gear components.

USNS Hershel “Woody” Williams (Photo:
USNS Hershel “Woody” Williams (Photo: NASSCO)

NASSCO delivered the fourth expeditionary sea base vessel, USNS Hershel “Woody” Williams, to the U.S. Navy’s Military Sealift Command (MSC) in February this year. 

The 784-foot-long vessel features a 52,000 square-foot flight deck, fuel and equipment storage, repair spaces, magazines, and mission-planning spaces. Able to accommodate up to 250 personnel, the vessels support multiple missions, such as air mine counter measures, counter-piracy operations, maritime security operations, humanitarian aid and disaster relief missions and crisis response operations.

NASSCO is also building the future USNS Miguel Keith for scheduled delivery in March 2019.

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