Nano-Biotechnology Fuel Additive Helps Reduce Emissions

February 25, 2025

As the global shipping industry wrestles with the challenges of meeting its 2050 decarbonization goal, additive manufacturer Fuelre4m aims to enable ship operators to improve efficiency and reduce emissions now.

Fuelre4m’s Re4mx products use nano-biotechnology. When added to any liquid fossil fuel (HFO, LSFO, VLSFO or (up to) B30 Biodiesel fuel), the product reforms the fuel molecules, releasing impurities and changing the structure of complex hydrocarbons.

Rob Mortimer courtesy of Fuelre4m
Rob Mortimer courtesy of Fuelre4m

The result is a significant increase in the combustion rate, releasing more power from the fuel and producing fewer harmful emissions. Initial results indicate a 15% fuel saving across shipping fleets with significant reductions in SO2 and NOx emissions.

An increase in power produced by the fuel, which will be seen from the improved performance from the engine, is expected to provide 15% to 20% improved fuel performance, GHG emissions reduction in the region of 40% to 80% from fuel consumed, 100% elimination of carbon emissions and other GHG emissions from unconsumed fuel and 15% to 20% real net zero emissions.

By reducing the amount of fuel burned, ship owners can potentially reduce liabilities such as their EU-ETS payments.

FuelRe4m products are compliant with all fuel regulations and approved for use by all Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), as long as the fuel complies with the OEM mandated specifications.

Rob Mortimer, Managing Director of Fuelre4m, says: “What sets us apart is how we’re using digitalization and advanced technology to deliver real, measurable results. From precision-engineered diagnostics to real-time data analytics, we ensure that our solutions are tested, proven and delivering the goods in the real world.”

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