Damen ASD 2810 Hybrid Tug Delivered to Multraship

February 27, 2015

Multraship took delivery of a Damen ASD 2810 Hybrid tug vessel, built at Damen Shipyards Galaţi, in Romania. The delivery is part of Multraship’s fleet expansion program, which involves a number of Damen vessel orders.
The new vessel, named Multratug 28, sailed under her own keel to the Netherlands from Galaţi. The tug features an expected bollard pull of 61 metric tons.
Multratug 28 (Photo: Damen)
Multratug 28 (Photo: Damen)
Multratug 28 (Photo: Damen)
Multratug 28 (Photo: Damen)
Damen’s ASD 2810 Hybrid is a new design, and Multratug 28 is the second of its class to be built. Dinu Berariu, Project Manager at Damen Shipyards Galaţi, said, “This hybrid tug is a very unique concept. It features a diesel-direct, diesel-electric and battery powered propulsion system. This hybrid configuration will enable Multraship to lower fuel costs by up to 30 percent and emissions by up to 60 percent.” 
Multraship has its headquarters in the harbor city of Terneuzen and operates in the ports around the Scheldt estuary at Zeeland Seaports and the Ports and Ghent and Antwerp, as well as the Bulgarian Port of Burgas on the Black Sea.
The company’s fleet expansion program stems from its increasing customer base in the offshore sectors as well as growing demand for harbor towage services. Additionally, the company has ordered two Damen ASD 3212 vessels, which are currently being built at Damen Song Cam Shipyard in Vietnam and will be delivered before the end of the second quarter of this year. 

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