LEEVAC Shipyards Launch MMC-designed PSV

October 25, 2013

The launch of the new Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) 'MV Torrens Tide' at the company's Houma shipyard was safely accomplished in just 9 seconds, but ship's namesake Mary Torrens said she would have driven twice as far to witness her vessel take the plunge.

 "I am humbled and honored to be included in Tidewater's long standing tradition of naming vessels after its employees and I thank the nominating committee at Tidewater Inc. for this privilege. I am especially proud that the M/V Torrens Tide is being built in Louisiana, and I applaud Chris Vaccari and the hard working men and women of LEEVAC Shipyards. Like the LEEVAC Shipyard Jennings, LLC yard, this vessel is top-notch and I look forward to being at her christening next spring”, Mary Torrens added.

MV Torrens Tide launch: Photo courtesy of Leevac Shipyards
MV Torrens Tide launch: Photo courtesy of Leevac Shipyards

The Torrens Tide is a MMC-designed 879 Platform Supply Vessel that will be certified for worldwide operations. Chris Vaccari, owner and CEO of LEEVAC, says the Torrens Tide is a unique project for LEEVAC Shipyards as the vessel was relocated from Tidewater’s Shipyard in Houma to LEEVAC’s Jennings facility for final completion. The new PSV will return LEEVAC’s Houma yard for final outfitting, commissioning and testing, with delivery in April 2014.


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