MHI Group Launches CO2 Liquefaction System Demonstration

October 16, 2023

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), and two of its group companies - Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger (MHIET) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Corporation (MHI-AC&R) - have commenced joint demonstration testing of a system that liquefies the CO2 captured from gas engine generator sets.

CO2 from the gensets, forming a part of an in-house power station at MHIET's Sagamihara Plant, is captured by CO2MPACT™, a compact CO2 capture system, and the CO2 is liquefied in MHI-AC&R's compact CO2 liquefaction system.

Compact CO2 liquefaction system (Source MHI)
Compact CO2 liquefaction system (Source MHI)

Verification of operational support services using MHI's proprietary remote monitoring system will also be implemented in the CO2 liquefaction demonstration test program.

MHI has been developing the KM CDR Process™ (Kansai Mitsubishi Carbon Dioxide Recovery Process) and Advanced KM CDR Process™ in collaboration with Kansai Electric Power since 1990. As of October 2023, the company has delivered 15 plants adopting the KM CDR Process, and three more are currently under construction.

The Advanced KM CDR Process uses KS-21™, which incorporates technological improvements over the amine-based KS-1™ solvent adopted at all 15 of the commercial CO2 capture plants MHI has delivered to date. The advanced version offers superior regeneration efficiency and lower deterioration than the KS-1, and it has been verified to provide excellent energy-saving performance, reduce operating costs, and result in low amine emissions.

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