Mexican Ship Caught in U.S. Waters Seized

July 27, 2006

In a trial run of new law enforcement boats, the U.S. Coast Guard intercepted a Mexican ship fishing illegally in federal waters on July 21, officials said. The Coast Guard confiscated the Mexican vessel, which had three Mexican citizens on board. The Coast Guard initially responded to a call from the USCG Cutter Brant for help in pursuit of another target. Two of the station’s new 33-foot safe boats responded. The station received three of the boats in June, but the vessels weren’t ready for missions until recently. The Island station was one of four Coast Guard stations to receive the special law enforcement boats, and two more vessels than other stations because of its proximity to the border. During the trial run, four vessels were spotted in U.S. waters, but the three others fled to Mexican waters, officials said. Coast Guard officials took the three men onboard to the Island where they were photographed and entered into a database that lists people detained for illegal fishing or other activities. The information in the database is used to determine which boats and crews are being used for narcotics trafficking. The U.S. Border Patrol took the men into custody and drove them to the Gateway International Bridge in Brownsville where they were escorted across the border.

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