Marubeni and bound4blue Agree Wind Propulsion Sales Partnership

June 23, 2023

Japan-based Marubeni Corporation and bound4blue, a Spanish engineering company which manufactures and sells a wind propulsion system, have concluded entered a sales partnership.

Marubeni will promote retail activities for bound4blue’s suction-type eSAILs both domestically and internationally and will act as the exclusive business partner in the Japanese market.

Source: Marubeni
Source: Marubeni

The basic principles of eSAIL are similar to those underlying the generation of lifting power by airplane wings. The sucking of air into the eSAIL also smooths the flow of wind around its body, with the result that propulsive force can be generated more efficiently.

The two companies are also working on a joint project for the installation of eSAILs on a Panamax bulk carrier owned by Marubeni subsidiary MMSL.

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