Us Federal Maritime Commission News
New Rules for Containerized Cargo Start March 1

Starting March 1, 2025, ocean common carriers of containerized cargo are expected to file documented export strategies with the US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) on an annual basis.The increased obligation is one of several notable developments on the horizon for the ocean shipping industry in 2025, says the Venable LLP international trade team.As Venable explains in its latest advisory on expected trade laws in 2025, these expected changes will impact operations across a wide range of stakeholders…
FMC Approves Operation of Premier Alliance

The US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has announced that the Premier Alliance Agreement (No. 201435) can take effect on February 9, 2025.The Premier Alliance is replacing THE Alliance, but does not include Hapag-Lloyd which instead entered the Gemini Cooperation with Maersk.The new arrangement allows Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM), Ocean Network Express (ONE) and Yang Ming to share vessels on trade lines between the United States and Asia, the Middle East and Europe.The cooperation is comprised of mainline services across the major East – West Tradelines: Asia – North America West Coast…
FMC's Bentzel Looks Offshore to Puerto Rico
FMC Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel weighs in, urging policies to help Puerto Rico become an Offshoring and Distribution Hub. His staement of today, follows:Events of recent years have made many who are interested in trade, transportation, and supply chain issues question the model of relying predominantly on manufacturers based in one nation located far from the United States. Identifying manufacturing capacity closer to our shores has become a priority for leaders in government and industry.Puerto Rico is a location that with the proper incentives and support could be a vital manufacturing and distribution hub serving the mainland United States.
FMC Seeks Public Comment on Container Shipping Alliance Agreement

The US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) has opened a 15-day comment period for members of the public to comment in response to a newly filed vessel sharing agreement between Ocean Network Express (ONE), Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) and Yang Ming Marine Transportation (Yang Ming).ONE, HMM and Yang Ming are parties to THE Alliance Agreement (No. 012439) that is currently in effect.The five-year agreement, titled the Premier Alliance Agreement, authorizes the three ocean common carriers to share vessels…
Gemini Alliance Held Up by FMC Probe

A global operational alliance between two of the world’s largest container shipping companies will not go into effect next week as planned following a move by the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission to study the potential competitive impacts of the arrangement.The FMC said on Friday it is seeking more information to determine the potential competitive impacts of the proposed Gemini Cooperation Agreement, which would allow ocean carriers Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd to share vessels in the trades between the United States and Asia…
FMC Commissioner Urges Biden to Aid Workers Impacted by Key Bridge Collapse

A Commissioner with the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission is urging President Joe Biden to provide aid for local companies and workers suffering from an economic upheaval in the wake of the tragic Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore.A letter sent by Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel to President Biden on Monday asks the President to consider using the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) as a model for providing relief workers and industries affected by the temporary…
All FMC Statutes & Regulations in Full Effect Following Baltimore Bridge Collapse

The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) on Friday issued a notice reminding regulated entities that all statutes administered by the agency remain in effect while disruption to regular service at the Port of Baltimore is causing many shippers to adjust supply chain operations.Common carriers and marine terminal operators (MTOs) must continue to comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements governing their operations, the FMC said.Demurrage and detention fees must be reasonable.
FMC Updates Controlled Carrier List

Hede (HONGKONG) International Shipping Limited has been classified by the US Federal Maritime Commission as a controlled carrier of the Government of the People’s Republic of China and added to the agency’s Controlled Carrier List.The Controlled Carrier List was further revised by removing COSCO Shipping Lines (Europe) GmbH, which has ceased serving the US trades and has cancelled its tariff. Other COSCO entities remain on the list.Controlled Carriers are ocean common carriers operating in the US-foreign trades that are…
FMC Mulls Investigation into Suez and Panama Canal Impacts

The US Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) held an informal public hearing examining impacts from attacks on merchant shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden on February 7.Opening the hearing, Commissioner Carl Bentzel, voiced concern about safe access through both the Suez and Panama Canals.“What is at stake is severe international economic disruption. The United States is still recovering from the aftershock of the pandemic induced supply chain disruption that that saw 30% increases…
Chris Hughey Named FMC General Counsel
U.S. federal Maritime Commission Chairman Daniel B. Maffei announced Phillip C. “Chris” Hughey has been hired as the General Counsel of the Federal Maritime Commission and appointed to be a member of the Senior Executive Service.In his capacity as General Counsel to the Commission, Hughey will provide legal advice and recommendations to the Chairman and Commissioners on regulatory and policy matters. He will serve as a member of the agency’s senior management team and will also…
Empty Containers in East Coast Ports enter FMC's Crosshairs
While there are many layers to the continued container shipping supply chain woes, and the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission has set its sites on the nuisance of empty containers clogging traffic, on the heals of FMC Chairman Maffei's visit to the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey."In my view, the congestion emanates from the lack of accountability in moving the buildup of empty containers back into the terminals," said Carl W. Bentzel, Commissioner with FMC. "Empty containers…
US Federal Maritime Commission Creates New Enforcement Structure
The United States' Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) on Friday announced it creating a new bureau to handle its enforcement and compliance activities. The agency, which is responsible for the regulation of oceanborne international transportation of the U.S., said it is consolidating its investigative and prosecution functions into a newly created Bureau of Enforcement, Investigations, and Compliance (BEIC) effective immediately.FMC Chairman Daniel B. Maffei said the reorganization…
FMC Reveals Plans to Aid Shippers and Improve Supply Chains
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said it is establishing three new initiatives that will provide enhanced assistance to shippers, continue to improve legal and regulatory compliance of regulated entities, and focus on remedies to supply chain problems.At the direction of Chairman Daniel Maffei, the Commission will establish a new and permanent International Ocean Shipping Supply Chain Program, re-establish the Export Rapid Response Team, and take the steps necessary for carriers…
US Makes it Easier for Cruise Passengers to Get Refunds
A rule change in the United States aims to make it easier for cruise ship passengers to receive refunds after their voyages have been canceled or delayed.The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) announced on Wednesday it is amending its regulations governing "non-performance" by passenger vessel operators to establish new requirements for when cruise passengers should be provided refunds. The changes define non-performance as canceling a voyage or delaying a voyage by three…
US Federal Maritime Commission Hires New Secretary
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission Chairman Daniel B. Maffei today announced the hiring of William “Bill” Cody to serve as the agency’s Secretary.Cody has more than 20 years of extensive legal and administrative experience at the federal and state government levels as well as in the private sector. He most recently worked as an attorney for the U.S. Department of Energy. Earlier in his career, he held positions in the Louisiana state government, the U.S. House of Representatives, and worked as an attorney in private practice.“I am pleased to be able to make this personnel announcement. Mr.
FMC Examining How Data Can Improve Ocean Cargo Velocity
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said it has set out to identify data constraints that impede the flow of ocean cargo and add to supply chain inefficiencies as severe bottlenecks continue to hamper global supply chains.Launched at the direction of FMC Chairman Daniel B. Maffei and spearheaded by Commissioner Carl W. Bentzel, the initiative seeks to to pinpoint how data can contribute to the long-term reliability of the domestic cargo delivery system. It will also aim to propose recommendations for common data standards used by the international shipping supply chain…
FMC Announces National Shipper Advisory Committee Membership
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) on Thursday announced the membership of its newly formed National Shipper Advisory Committee.The committee is comprised of 24 members, evenly divided between those who export cargo from and those who import cargo to the United States, that will advise the commission on policies relating to the competitiveness, reliability, integrity and fairness of the international ocean freight delivery system.“The current freight transportation challenges…
FMC Accepting Applications for National Shipper Advisory Committee
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said it is accepting applications from qualified members of the international trade community wishing to serve on its newly formed National Shipper Advisory Committee (NSAC).The federal advisory committee will provide information, insight and expertise pertaining to conditions in the ocean freight delivery system to the Commission. Specifically, the committee will meet at least once a year and will advise the Commission on policies relating to the competitiveness…
US FMC Eases Service Contract Filing Requirements
Shippers and carriers will soon have more flexibility in meeting service contract filing requirements as the result of a rule change approved by the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) going into effect on June 2, 2021.The final rule amends existing regulations so ocean carriers will be able to file original service contracts with the commission up to 30-days after they go into effect. Current FMC regulations require the filing of initial service contracts with the FMC before…
FMC Grants Temporary Relief Requested by CMA CGM
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission voted to grant the temporary relief sought by CMA CGM from certain service contract and tariff filing requirements following last month's cyber attack affecting the carrier's servers.Earlier this month, the French shipping company sought relief from Commission regulations as part of its efforts to respond to a malicious cyberattack it experienced in September.The Commission said Wednesday it granted the request for exemption from relevant service contract filing requirements and relevant tariff publishing requirements.
FMC Considering CMA CGM Petition Following Cyber Attack
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) said it is considering a petition filed by French container shipping group CMA CGM requesting temporary exemption from certain filing requirements following last month's cyber attack affecting the carrier's servers.In its petition, CMA CGM and affiliated companies seek an exemption from certain tariff publications and service contract filings that were impacted by the recent cyber attack, FMC said, adding it will accept public comments on the request through October 15.CMA CGM…
FMC Provides Relief for Small Passenger Vessel Operators
The U.S. Federal Maritime Commission voted to support a proposal put forward by Fact Finding Officer Commissioner Louis E. Sola that provides limited and temporary relief to small passenger vessel operators whose operations and business have been disrupted by the response to COVID-19.In approving the "Policy Statement on Passenger Vessel Financial Responsibility", which will be published on the Commission's webpage and in the Federal Register in the near future, the FMC determined…
Great Lakes Shipping Companies Navigate Market Challenges Ahead
For U.S.-flag shipping on the Great Lakes, 2019 was a good year. Total cargos were 90 million net tons, up 7.5% over 2018 and 4.6% over the five-year average. 49.7 million net tons of iron ore were shipped, up 8.5% over 2018 and 11.7% over the five year. Limestone was up 9.7% over 2018 and 10.2% over the five-year average. In 2010 and 2011, coal and limestone were each about 20 million net tons. Since then, coal has shown a steady decline as coal-fired power generating plants…