Uncrewed Vessels News

Houthi Explosive Drone Boat Attacks Escalate Red Sea Danger

Yemen's Houthis are sending drone boats packed with explosives into the Red Sea as they intensify their attacks on merchant ships that have little defense against the "sophisticated shift" in tactic, maritime security sources say.Iran-aligned Houthi militants first launched aerial drone and missile strikes on the trade route in November in what they say is solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. In over 70 attacks, they have sunk two vessels, seized another and killed at least three seafarers.In recent weeks…

Norwegian Firms Establishes Freight Route for Uncrewed Cargo Vessels

Norwegian firm Maritime Robotics said it has been given the green light to establish a freight route for its uncrewed vessels in the Trondheimsfjord in Norway.With approval from the Norwegian Coastal Administration and the Norwegian Maritime Directorate, Maritime Robotics will now operate its environmentally friendly and sustainable uncrewed surface vehicles (USV) to transport goods and equipment between its headquarters in Trondheim and production premises in Vanvikan, located on the Fosenhalvøya.Maritime Robotics’ uncrewed surface vehicle…