Safety News

Sixth Edition of Guidelines on the ISM Code Released

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has released the Sixth Edition of Guidelines on the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code.Print and ebook copies of the Guidelines are now available to buy.The sixth edition replaces the Guidelines on the Application of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code, Fifth Edition, which has now been withdrawn from sale.The new edition includes new content:• New chapter on internal audits to help companies improve the SMS on an ongoing basis• Example annual program of drills and exercises• Updated publications list…

New Product: Survitec Gauntlet

Survitec launched a new energy containment safety device designed to reduce the risks associated with catastrophic value actuator failures.The concept of the safety device was developed due to issues identified in the North Sea oil and gas sector, oil rigs, platforms, and floating installations, such as FPSOs and FSRUs. The Survitec Gauntlet can be applied to any facility that operates actuator valves and where risks need to be mitigated.Severe injury or death can be caused by the explosive forces released if a high-pressure spring-loaded actuator device fails…