Port State Control News

Paris MoU Detention Rate Dropped in 2023

The Paris MoU has published its 2023 Annual Report, highlighting that the overall detention rate for 2023 (3.81%) is lower than that for 2022 (4.25%).However, the detention rate has not returned to pre-pandemic levels of 2.98% during 2019.Analysis of the deficiencies indicates that, compared to previous years, there is no specific convention or part of a convention that is indicating more areas of non-compliance. Instead, there are recurring areas of concern:• SOLAS Chapter II-2 (Construction-Fire Protection…

INTERCARGO Members Achieving Fewer Deficiencies

INTERCARGO-registered dry bulk ships continue to outperform the industry average in both deficiencies and detentions, as highlighted in the latest INTERCARGO benchmarking report on bulk carriers.The Benchmarking Bulk Carriers 2023-2024 report details detention rates and deficiencies per inspection across flag states, port state control, class and P&I clubs.In 2023, detention rates decreased for the dry bulk fleet globally, whilst deficiencies per inspection saw a slight increase across the industry.

Denmark Tops 2023 Paris MoU White List

The Paris MoU Committee has approved the 2023 inspection results and adopted new performance lists for flag States, with Tanzania and Cameroon graded as “very high risk” and Denmark topping the White List.The “White, Grey and Black List” presents the full spectrum, from quality flags to flags with a poor performance that are considered high or very high risk. It is based on the total number of inspections and detentions during a three-year rolling period for flags with at least 30 inspections in that period.The White List represents quality flags with a consistently low detention percentage.

DNV Advises on Port State Control Campaigns

DNV has issued advice on current developments in Port State Control (PSC) inspections and focus campaigns in China, Australia, and the US. The advice includes:The China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA) has implemented a stricter monitoring of vessels meeting any of the following criteria:• Vessel has been detained twice within the last 12 months, irrespective of the place of detention.• Vessel has been penalized twice in 12 consecutive months for serious violations, such as: insufficient manning…

Paris MoU Says Fire Safety CIC Results were “Satisfactory”

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU) held its 57th Committee meeting in Madrid from May 6 to 10, 2024 and concluded that the results of the Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety, held from September 1 to November 30, 2023, showed that overall compliance appeared to be satisfactory.The result was less favorable on two specific topics: maintenance of fire doors (9.3 % non-compliance) and performing fire drills (9.2% non-compliance).

AMSA: MLC Complaints Decreased in 2023

Complaints about breaches against the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) on ships decreased in 2023, compared to the previous year, the Australia Maritime Safety Authority’s (AMSA) latest report on seafarer welfare shows.The report records an 18% decrease in complaints to AMSA about breaches to the MLC, down to 214 complaints in 2023, from 261 complaints in the previous year.Of the complaints received in 2023, breaches of employment conditions were the most common, such as issues with wages…

AMSA Bans Indian-Flagged Bulk Carrier

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has issued a 180-day ban to the Indian-flagged bulk carrier Darya Shaan after its operator took repeated risks with the safety of the crew, vessel and Australian marine environment by not reporting serious defects to the main engine and machinery whilst the ship entered Australian ports.AMSA inspectors attended the ship at Port of Melbourne on April 26 and found multiple maintenance issues on board including defective main engine control and monitoring systems…

Paris MoU Trials New Inspection Strategy

From July 10 to August 9, 2023, the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control conducted a Focused Inspection Campaign on pilot transfer arrangements.The campaign was part of a trial of an alternative approach to the regular Concentrated Inspection Campaigns by conducting several short, targeted inspection campaigns referred to as Focused Inspection Campaigns. In the coming months more such campaigns are scheduled. After completion of the trials, the results…

AMSA Bans BBC Jade

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has issued its third ban from Australian waters to a Briese Heavylift GmbH & Co ship this year.AMSA issued the 90-day ban to the Antigua & Barbuda-flagged general cargo ship BBC Jade, after inspectors in Port Alma found 57 tons of explosive substances had been incorrectly stowed on board the vessel during transit.The International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code outlines the minimum international standards for the maritime transport of dangerous goods…

Australia Bans Second Offender for 90 Days

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has banned the Marshall Island-flagged container ship Big Lilly from Australian waters for 90 days, for serious safety and maintenance issues.Prior to this ban, the ship was detained in Melbourne, after an AMSA Port State control (PSC) inspection identified serious defects with the watertight integrity of the ship’s cargo hatches, main engine and safety equipment.AMSA inspectors identified a long list of defects, and while the seafarers onboard had taken steps to maintain the ship…

CIC on Fire Safety Starts September 1

Lloyd’s Register has reminded the industry that the Member Authorities of the Paris and Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control (PSC) are launching a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on fire safety from September 1 to November 30, 2023.The Member Authorities of the Black Sea Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control and the Member Authorities of the Acuerdo Vina Del Mar 1992 are concurrently also launching a CIC.The purpose of the campaign…

AMSA Bans Liberian-Flagged Vessel Over Wage Theft

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has banned the Liberian-flagged bulk carrier MSXT Emily from Australian waters for one year, after finding apparent serious issues of wage theft and seafarer mistreatment onboard.Following a tip-off from the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), AMSA inspected the ship at the Port of Hay Point, in Queensland, and found evidence of several violations of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.The vessel had been chartered by K-Line to load a cargo of coal for discharge in Japan.Seafarers onboard the vessel had not been paid in accordance with their Seafarer Employment Agreements: four contained apparently-forged signatures from employees…

New Zealand Detains Log Carrier After Rudder Falls Off

Maritime NZ has issued a detention notice against a log carrying vessel, currently anchored off Tauranga.On Monday 24 July, the Panamanian flagged Achilles Bulker was departing Tauranga, bound for China when it encountered steering problems. It was subsequently determined that the rudder had disconnected from the ship during the outbound pilotage.The vessel remains anchored off Mount Maunganui, and the rudder was recovered by divers last week and brought to shore.Due to the rudder failure, the Achilles Bulker will need to be towed to a dry dock for repairs.Maritime NZ is working closely with the Bay of Plenty Regional Council and the…

MoUs Announce Fire Safety Inspection Campaign

The Member Authorities of the Tokyo and the Paris Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control will launch a joint Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety in September.The purpose of the campaign is to create awareness among the ship’s crew and owners about the importance of fire safety measures and to verify that the ship complies with fire safety requirements under the relevant IMO instruments.This inspection campaign will be held for three months, commencing from September 1, 2023 and ending November 30, 2023.

Panama Ship Registry - Member of the Qualship21 for First Time in 20 years

The Panama Maritime Authority (AMP), the entity overseeing the Panama Ship Registry, received a letter of approval from the United States Coast Guard congratulating the country for its qualification to the Quality Shipping for the 21st Century Program (QUALSHIP21) and the flag's commitment to quality shipping, since the Panamanian fleet vessels arriving at US ports have achieved an excellent record of Port State Control.This is the first time that the Panama Ship Registry has…