Fire News

CHIRP Edition 75: Three Types of Fire

Voluntary near-miss reporting scheme CHIRP Maritime has released its 75 edition of Feedback which covers three different types of fire, two hand injuries and a variety of other unfortunate events.There are some common threads running through them, says Adam Parnell, Director (Maritime) for CHIRP. “Perhaps the most obvious is the need for better communication, whether it is between crew members or with shore personnel or the vessel’s management. This is a theme we see very often in our reports…

DNV Advises on Port State Control Campaigns

DNV has issued advice on current developments in Port State Control (PSC) inspections and focus campaigns in China, Australia, and the US. The advice includes:The China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA) has implemented a stricter monitoring of vessels meeting any of the following criteria:• Vessel has been detained twice within the last 12 months, irrespective of the place of detention.• Vessel has been penalized twice in 12 consecutive months for serious violations, such as: insufficient manning…

Paris MoU Says Fire Safety CIC Results were “Satisfactory”

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU) held its 57th Committee meeting in Madrid from May 6 to 10, 2024 and concluded that the results of the Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety, held from September 1 to November 30, 2023, showed that overall compliance appeared to be satisfactory.The result was less favorable on two specific topics: maintenance of fire doors (9.3 % non-compliance) and performing fire drills (9.2% non-compliance).

Fire Put Out on Nuclear-powered Cargo Ship

Russia said on Monday that emergency workers had put out a fire on a Soviet-era nuclear-powered cargo-icebreaker ship and the state company which runs the vessel said there had been no casualties and no threat to the security of the reactor.The fire broke out on Sunday in one of the cabins of the Soviet-made Sevmorput ship, which is currently at dock in the northern Russian city of Murmansk, the emergency ministry said.The fire, which at its peak covered an area of about 30 square meters (323 square feet)…