Casuaties News

Two Dead, Two Missing After Passenger Vessels Collide off Dutch Coast

At least two people died when two boats collided on Friday in the Dutch Wadden Sea close to Terschelling island, and two people are still missing, local authorities said.A ferry boat and a smaller water taxi collided early on Friday morning, causing people on board of the smaller boat to fall in the water.While four people were rescued shortly after the collision, two passengers died and two were still missing on Friday afternoon. Local media citing the coast guard reported the…

Report: Collision Caused by Turning Error

A report issued by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) found that a February 9, 2019 collision between a Greece-registered bulk carrier and a Malaysian Government vessel within Singapore Port Limits off Tuas was caused by a turning error.As the collision took place in Singapore Territorial Waters, the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) launched an investigation into the facts surrounding the collision.The MPA investigation showed that an error in the turning maneuver carried out by PIREAS caused it to collide with POLARIS, which was anchored at the time in a non-designated anchorage within Singapore Port Limits.  MPA has issued a stern written warning to the master of PIREAS for the collision.