Marflet Marine Opts for Sail Retrofit

May 28, 2024

Spain-based Marflet Marine has signed a contract with bound4blue for the installation of four 22m eSAILs® on the 49,999dwt oil and chemical tanker Santiago I.

The contract, with installation in mid-2025, makes Marflet the first Spanish merchant fleet owner to adopt a wind auxiliary power system. It marks a further landmark development for bound4blue’s fully autonomous suction sail eSAIL® technology, which has recently been selected by other companies including Eastern Pacific Shipping, Louis Dreyfus Company and Odfjell.

Source: bound4blue
Source: bound4blue

Working by dragging air across an aerodynamic surface to generate propulsive efficiency, the unique system is simple, robust, highly efficient and requires zero operational input from crew.

Santiago I, which operates worldwide, will have four eSAIL units fitted, with Spanish engineering specialist Cotenaval taking charge of tasks including designing the sail foundations and electrical installation.

Depending on vessel routing and operations, and according to detailed modelling, Santiago I should save around 10 and 15% of annual energy consumption with the reduced main engine loads.

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