15m ProZero Passenger Vessel Delivered to Metro-Opus

December 19, 2024

ProZero delivered a 15m ProZero passenger vessel to Metro-Opus, a provider of high-speed ferry services in Norway, approved for operations by the Norwegian Maritime Authority.

The vessel was handed over to Metro-Opus Project Manager Rasmus Husby Larsen by Jakob Frost, co-owner of the shipyard.  

Image courtesy TUCO
Image courtesy TUCO

Designed and built with ProZero's modular construction approach, the vessel combines latest technology, universal design principles, and optimized hull design. It is certified to accommodate 12 passengers, including wheelchair spaces, as well as cargo and crew.

"This vessel fully fulfills our trust in ProZero's ability to deliver a robust, well-proven vessel tailored to our diverse requirements. Its performance, stability, and efficiency exceed our expectations and set a new benchmark for small vessel passenger transport in the Norwegian ferry market," said Larsen.

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