LNG Carrier Elisa Aquila for Edison Delivered

March 4, 2022

On March 3, the liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier Elisa Aquila commercially managed by France LNG Shipping and under a long-term charter contract with Edison SPA, a Milan-based energy company, was delivered.

Elisa Aquila will be the second vessel to be chartered to the EDF group, a French electric power company, on a long-term basis (up to 20 years including extension options) and will be engaged in LNG transportation under the ship management of Gazocean, a French ship management company specialized in LNG, jointly owned by NYK and Geogas LNG, a French ship management company.

Image courtesy NYK
Image courtesy NYK

Elisa Aquila is propelled by WinGD-manufactured, dual-fuel slow-speed diesel engines, and feature an Air Liquide–manufactured Turbo-Brayton refrigeration system that can tap surplus boil-off gas. Manufactured by GTT, the 174,000-cubic meter capacity membrane-type tank will be made of advanced insulating materials that reduce the vaporization rate.

Vessel Particulars

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