Norsafe Lifeboat Systems Ordered for Njord A Platform

May 5, 2017

Norsafe has received orders from Kværner relating to the delivery of new lifeboat systems to Statoil’s Njord A platform.

Norsafe will supply three lifeboat systems of its largest freefall lifeboat, the GES 52, with compatible davits. The lifeboat systems are built according to SOLAS and DNV-OS-E406, and although the products were developed just a few years ago, they have already been delivered to many installations worldwide. The contract is worth over 35 million Norwegian kroner and will be delivered in 2018 and 2019.
Photo: Norsafe
Photo: Norsafe

The upgrade of the platform is part of the project that Statoil has called “Njord Future” with the purpose of extending the life of the Njord field. The Njord field where Njord A is normally stationed, lies approximately 130 kilometers North West of Kristiansund and 30 kilometers west of the Draugen field in the Norwegian Sea.
Njord A was originally delivered in 1997 by the same organization as Kværner today. The contract with Kværner shows that Norsafe has good and competitive products and technical solutions that our customers value.

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