Kongsberg EM2040 dual head at MMT Group

October 31, 2011

MMT Group announce acquisition of a new Kongsberg EM2040D. The EM2040 dual head system has recently been installed on MMT’s survey and ROV vessel IceBeam.

This is the first highly developed multibeam echo sounder to combine all of the advanced features of deepwater echo sounders to the near-bottom sounding environment. Such features include:

1.    Dual swath per ping to maintain a high survey speed
2.    FM chirp to achieve a much longer range capability
3.    Complete roll, pitch and yaw stabilization
4.    Near-field focusing both when transmitting and receiving

By owning and operating an EM 2040 dual head, MMT is further prepared to perform surveys that meet the IHO-S44 special order. This investment has advanced MMT’s surveying operations and it supports MMT Group’s standing as a unique and highly advanced competitor in the marine surveying field.

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