Maritime Security Experts Meet in Jacksonville
Maritime security experts are gathering this week at Maritime Security 2015 East in Jacksonville, Florida, to exchange information and ideas, as well as learn about and see emerging technologies and operational concepts in action. Presentations were made by speakers from the Navy and Coast Guard, along with state, city and local organizations with maritime security and law enforcement responsibilities.
The event is taking place at the Jacksonville JAXPORT Cruise Terminal. A dramatic on water demonstration was led by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). Participating boat units included the U.S. Coast Guard; FWC; Jacksonville Fire Department; Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO); Nassau County Sheriff’s Department; Clay County Sheriff’s Department; St. Johns County Sheriff’s Department; JAXPORT; as well as two aircraft from JSO and FWC.
The demonstration included protection of high value asset; radiological detection, interdiction of non-compliant vessels, as well as vessel stopping technologies.
“These different jurisdictions were able to work together so effectively because they have all been trained to the same standard,” said Mark DuPont, director of boat operations and training program (BOAT) with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA). “They know what to do when responding to a situation, and they know what to expect from representatives of other organizations.”
Speakers discussed the importance of partnerships and interagency collaboration, and many successful examples were highlighted, such as the Project SeaHawk a pilot port security project in the port of Charleston, South Carolina.
The delegates were welcomed by Mayor Alvin Brown of the City of Jacksonville and Erica Ann Striebel, who is chief of staff of Rep. Ander Crenshaw (R-Fla.).
Keynote addresses were delivered by Capt. Thomas Allen, USCG, commander of Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville, and Rear Adm. Mary Jackson, commander of Navy Region Southeast.
The First Coast Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) is co-hosting the event.