Italian Navy Places $535M Oder for Fourth NFS Submarine from Fincantieri

June 28, 2024

Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri has secured a contract to build the fourth new-generation submarine related to the U212NFS (Near Future Submarine) program for the Italian Navy.

The order for the new submarine, valued at $534 million (€500 million), has been exercised by OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement, the international organization for joint armament cooperation).

(Credit: Fincantieri)
(Credit: Fincantieri)
(Credit: Fincantieri)
(Credit: Fincantieri)

The contract also activates all other options that complete the maintenance support for the submarines already contracted.

The signing of the new contract took place at the Muggiano shipyard, where the start of works on the third NFS submarine under construction for the Italian Navy was also celebrated with a steel-cutting ceremony.

At the same time, a major Engineering Change Proposal is being initiated for the industrialization in Italy, production and integration of an innovative lithium energy storage system (Lithium Battery System) on board all the U212NFS vessels which will replace the traditional lead-acid system currently in use.

This technology will increase the submarines’ underwater range, according to Fincantieri.

The U212NFS submarines will by highly innovative, with significant design modifications that will all be developed independently by Fincantieri, which holds the role of Design Authority and Prime Contractor, in accordance with the Navy requirements.

The U212NFS submarines will join the four operational U212A class submarines, including the Romei which is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance at the Muggiano shipyard.

"We are proud to announce this further step forward in Fincantieri’s growth in the defense sector and especially in relation to innovation in the underwater domain. This project contributes to expanding our presence in the underwater sphere, a strategic area where the major challenges of the geopolitical balances and technological innovation of the future will play out,” said Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO and Managing Director of Fincantieri.

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