IRClass Classes India's First LNG-FSRU

October 29, 2020

Ship classification society Indian Register of Shipping (IRClass) has classed India’s first LNG-FSRU.

Built at Hyundai Shipyard in Ulsan, South Korea, the 180,000 cu.m, the Indian-flagged, is designed for continuous operations without the need for drydocking over a period of 20 years. 

Credit: IRClass
Credit: IRClass

The unit is assigned class notation for 20 years extended interval between successive dry-dockings and complies with the requirements of IRClass Rules and Indian Flag for this purpose. The unit is owned by Triumph Offshore Pvt Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Swan Energy Ltd, an India-based listed company.

The FSRU can operate in two distinct modes – LNG Carrier Mode and Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) mode. This allows the utilization of the FSRU for receiving LNG from LNG carriers, regasification of the LNG, and sending it out.

"With strong government support and improved infrastructure in India, the prospects for natural gas are expected to rise significantly to meet growing energy demands in the country. This is also in line with the Indian government vision to build a gas-based economy and increase the share of natural gas in the primary energy mix to 15% by 2030, up from 6% today. This will also contribute towards IMO’s aim of reducing GHG emissions," IRClass said.

“As we anticipate energy demand to soar in India, it is important to move towards the use of clean energy to meet that need. Undertaking this project demonstrates our commitment towards a greener future, and we at IRClass are delighted to play an essential role in meeting that goal.” Commented IRClass’ Joint Managing Director Vijay Arora.

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