BSEE Targets $7 Million Investment in Oil Spill Response Research

December 23, 2013

The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) announced that it is soliciting proposals for oil spill response research projects and will be investing up to $7 million to support these projects in 2014. In a Broad Agency Announcement released on the federal governments business opportunities website,, the bureau called for white papers focusing specifically on one of 10 topic areas for proposed research covering oil spill response operations on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf.

"This announcement continues and enhances BSEE's commitment to a comprehensive research program dedicated to improving oil spill response operations,” said BSEE Oil Spill Response Division Chief David Moore. “Through efforts such as this, we hope to spur further innovation and to improve upon the techniques and technology available to respond to potential oil spills."

The deadline for submitting white papers is January 20, 2014. Topics should be limited to the following:
•    cataloging BSEE's oil spill response research programs funded research recommendations and key findings that may have an Impact on BSEE regulations;
•    scientifically based planning standards for dispersant effectiveness and usage rates;
•    scientifically based planning standards for burn boom effectiveness and usage rates;
•    oil spill detection and analysis using remote sensing technologies;
•    subsea oil spill detection sensors;
•    mechanical recovery capability of chemically treated oil;
•    solidifying the scientific capabilities of Ohmsett - quantifying mixing energy;
•    solidifying the scientific capabilities of Ohmsett - effect of ambient chemical levels;
•    development of "smart" skimming technologies; and
•    establishment of technology readiness level definitions for oil spill response equipment.


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