New Vessel Aids Coast Guard in Homeland Security

September 17, 2002

Coast Guard Group Miami has introduced its newest asset to the Coast Guard's multi-mission resources. Station Miami Beach's new 47-ft. motor life boat gives it a technological boost that will drastically increase the stations capabilities. The increased capabilities of the 47-ft. MLB will improve the station's effectiveness across the spectrum of its missions including homeland security, search and rescue, counter-narcotics and alien-migrant interdiction. "This vessel has a lot more capabilities than anything previously in the station's inventory. It will provide a more suitable platform of offshore search and rescue missions and homeland security missions," said Capt. Mark Kerski, Commander, Group Miami. Among the 47's enhanced features is the ability to withstand punishing sea conditions of near hurricane force winds and 20-ft. breaking waves, and it is faster than the station's current, standard 41-ft. rescue boat.

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