Fincantieri Marinette Marine Lands $1 Billion Order for Two More Navy Frigates

May 24, 2024

The U.S. Department of Defense announced that Fincantieri Marinette Marine was awarded a contract valued at more than $1 billion to build the fifth and sixth Constellation-class Frigates for the U.S. Navy. 

FMM received the contract for the lead ship of the Constellation-Class in April 2020, and the Navy has since exercised five options for follow-on vessels. This two-ship option, for FFG 66 and FFG 67, is valued at $1,044,529,113, the Pentagon said.

(Image: Fincantieri Marinette Marine)
(Image: Fincantieri Marinette Marine)

Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro announced this week that FFG-66 will be named USS Hamilton. FFG 67 has yet to be named.

The lead ship, the future USS Constellation (FFG 62), is currently under construction at the newly revamped Wisconsin shipyard, with five ships waiting to be built and contract options for four more vessels.

“The team at Fincantieri Marine Group is committed to support the U.S. Navy, and the Constellation program will be the centerpiece of our portfolio for decades. Along with our partners and suppliers, we are going to deliver world-class warships,” said Marco Galbiati, CEO of Fincantieri Marine Group.

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