Cutting Emissions: Interlake Installs Marine Scrubbers

August 17, 2015

As shipping companies struggle to find their preferred solutions for meeting strict new emission mandates, Ohio-based Interlake Steamship has found a good partner in DuPont Marine Scrubbers.

Interlake awarded DuPont Sustainable Solutions, through its subsidiary Belco Technologies Corporation (BELCO), an additional contract to supply DuPont Marine Scrubber systems for two more vessels.

DuPont marine scrubber during Interlake loading. (Photo courtesy of DuPont Marine)
Photo courtesy of DuPont Marine
DuPont marine scrubber during Interlake loading. (Photo courtesy of DuPont Marine)
Photo courtesy of DuPont Marine

The M/V James R. Barker, the first 1,000-ft.class vessel to be built entirely on the Great Lakes back in 1976, and the Lee A. Tregurtha, originally built as a Word War II tanker in 1942, are bulk carriers operating on the Great Lakes on the Canada-United States border. Each of the carriers will be equipped with two closed loop exhaust gas scrubbers from DuPont.

Interlake, which has led the Great Lakes shipping industry since 1913, already had two DuPont BELCO Marine Scrubbers installed on its M/V Honorable James L. Oberstar dry bulk carrier in January 2015.

The four new closed loop scrubbers will be single-stream in-line scrubbers, each connected to a main engine. They are designed to meet all U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. EPA and IMO exhaust gas and washwater emission requirements.

Installation of the scrubbers is planned for January 2016 with testing estimated to take place on the Great Lakes in spring 2016.


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