DMC Wins First Order in Turkey

April 2, 2019

Damen Marine Components (DMC) signed its first order with a Turkish Shipyard. The client is TERSAN Tersanecilik San. Tic. Aṣ., based at Yalova City on the Sea of Marmara, and the equipment will be installed on a 108-meter Factory Freezer Trawler vessel. Designed by Skipsteknisk AS, design number STL191L, it is currently in build for the Russian fishing fleet operator JSC PT Okeanrybflot.

The order is for a single, customised Barke rudder with a surface area of 16 m² and a Commander rotary vane steering gear that delivers a torque of up to 430 kNm. In addition to the hydraulic components of the rotary vane, DMC will deliver indicators and controls; Follow-up, Non-follow-up in Main Bridge, Follow-up in Wings and Follow-up in AFT.

Photo courtesy of DMC
Photo courtesy of DMC

The system is classified RMRS KM (*), ICE3, AUT 2, REF, Fishing Vessel and is scheduled for delivery in December this year.

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