GL Noble Denton Wins Business Development Award

June 14, 2013

GL Noble Denton's contribution to developing and implementing safety regulations in hydrocarbon-rich countries has been recognized at the UK Gas Industry Awards. The independent technical advisor won the International Business Development category at a ceremony held in London recently, which was hosted by the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) and the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM).

GL Noble Denton was recognized by the Award for the role it plays at the forefront of regulatory development internationally. In particular, the judging panel identified the company's ability to draw upon its global knowledge of gas and petroleum safety legislation to help international markets create and apply safety regulation to their energy industries for the first time.

Award Winners at the EUA IGEM Gas Industry Awards Lunch 2013. Image courtesy of EUA.
Award Winners at the EUA IGEM Gas Industry Awards Lunch 2013. Image courtesy of EUA.

In the past 12 months, GL Noble Denton's international team of Safety and Risk experts has assisted major jurisdictions in Europe, the Middle East and the South East Asia, to develop their safety regimes in line with industry best practice. The company offers some of the sector's most technically proficient advisors on energy regulation, with experience in key areas such as major accident hazards, safety management systems and processes, and worldwide on-and offshore legislative measures.

GL Noble Denton is currently providing technical guidance and assistance to the Commission for Energy Regulation in Ireland to design and implement a new Petroleum Safety Framework. It is also working extensively with a major Middle Eastern gas-producing nation to develop a regulatory regime for the very first time. In addition, the company has advised government authorities of an energy hub in South East Asia to develop a gas safety framework covering the complete gas chain from production through to utilisation.

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