New Deliveries

May 25, 2000

Eastern Shipbuilding Launches OSV San Rafael, a 204 x 44 x 16 ft. OSV was recently launched by Eastern Shipbuilding Group. The vessel is being constructed for Naviera Tamaulipas, S.A. de C.V. of Tampico, Mexico, for operations in the Bahia de Campeche fields off Eastern Mexico. Capacities include 110,000 gallons of fuel, 211,000 gallons of drill water/ballast, 7,200 cu. ft. of bulk mud in six tanks, and 3,012 barrels of liquid mud.

The propulsion plant consists of a pair of Caterpillar 3516B main engines rated at 2,000 hp each @ 1,600 rpm, complete with Caterpillar Engine Vision Alarm and Monitoring System, coupled to Reintjes WAF-862 gearboxes, with 96 in. diameter, four-blade stainless steel propellers.

Special equipment includes a 1,000 hp Thrustmaster retractable tunnel/azimuthing bowthruster powered by a Caterpillar 3508B engine, highlift style independent rudders, 6,600 gpm Skum fire monitor capable of sneing water out from the ship over 450 ft. and a Konesberg/Simrad SDP01 Dynamic Positioning system with Joystick Autopilot.

San Rafael will be certificated by ABS Maltese Cross A1 AMS, Ocean Service, with full International SOLAS certificate. Delivery is scheduled for June.

Cruise Ship Tender for Royal Caribbean Pinta, an 88 ft. cruise ship tender, was delivered to Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines (RCCL) by Keith Marine, Inc. Engineering for the vessel was provided by Naval Architects DeJong & Lebet, Inc. and Nautical Design, Inc. Pinta is the seventh tender project with RCCL involving DeJong & Lebet, Inc. Keith Marine, Inc. has built the last six tenders.

Pinta is classified by DNV to carry 250 passengers. The vessel also features large fuel tanks and water tanks for transfer to the shore facilities at remote island locations. Additional features include two passenger seating decks, and a mid-level foc'sle area for boarding. There is also a small air-conditioned crew quarters area, with baths, galley and head facilities.

Pinta is provided by a pair of Detroit Diesel Series 60 main engines, developing 400 hp @ 1,800 rpm. Electrical power is supplied by two 20 kW John Deere generator sets. A hydraulic 50 hp bowthruster was supplied by Wesmar.

Research Vessel from Eastern Shipbuilding The University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science recently commissioned F.G. Walton Smith at its facility on Virginia Key. The unique all-aluminum vessel was designed as an advanced research catamaran, featuring state-of-the-art onboard laboratories able to conduct shallow and deepwater marine and atmospheric research.

Built by Eastern Shipbuilding Group, the vessel measures 96 ft. in length, 40 ft. in beam and operates at a draft of 5.6 ft., which enables it to explore previously inaccessible areas, such as reefs, mangroves, grassbeds and other shallow water environments. The vessel accommodates 20 persons in its 10 two-person staterooms, including a crew of four and up to 16 persons in the scientific party. The laboratories include wet and dry spaces encompassing 800 sq. ft., with an additional 800 sq. ft. of multi-purpose space on the stern.

Power for F.G. Walton Smith is provided via a pair of Cummins QSK 19 main engines rated at 760 hp wach, connected to Servogear Model HD220HL variable pitch propeller systems. Top speeds exceeding 12 knots were reached during sea trials. Generators are Cummins model 6BT6.9GM2 80 kW. Fuel capacity is 10,000 gallons, and a Sea Recovery Model SRCAWM1200 AquaWhisper reverse osmosis watermaker keeps the 3,000 gallon water tanks filled.

Two 14-in. diameter hydraulic Wesmar bowthrusters have been installed with one in each pontoon. Equipped with a Konesberg/Simrad DPS for precise stationkeeping, F.G. Walton Smith utilizes its bowthrusters, controllable pitch propellers and Jastram steering system with independent rudder systems to hold station while performing scientific research.

Named after the first dean and founder of the Rosenstiel School, the vessel was originally designed by Timothy Graul & Associates for bidding purposes; and by DeJong & Lebet, Inc. for working plans, regulatory approvals and stability calculations.

USACE Repair Fleet Gains Towing Power The USACE Louisville District put a new inland waterways towboat into service. J. C. Thomas will greatly increase the USACE's towing power on the Ohio River system, improving transport speed, reliability and safety for their floating repair fleet used for lock and dam maintenance and repair.

The 150 ft. vessel was designed and built by Jeffboat LLC, Jeffersonville, Ind., in coordination with the USACE's Marine Design Center, Philadelphia.

Propulsion power comes from twin Cat 3606 marine diesel engines rated 2,320 bhp (1,730 bkW) at 900 rpm. The 3606s drive Haley air-clutch gear boxes with 4:1 reduction ratio, turning Sound Propeller 100 x 95 in. wheels inside custom built Jeffboat nozzles. Caterpillar dealer, Whayne Power Systems, Louisville, provided all engines, gears and Mathers controls and disc-type shaft brakes. J. C. Thomas replaces a 30-year-old, 75-ft. vessel of 1,100 bhp (820 bkW). The new vessel improves reliability and safety for the USACE, and added power will increase towing speed for the Louisville District's substantial floating repair fleet that includes multiple work, power, and equipment barges. By late summer, this fleet will also include a new heavy-lift derrick boat currently under construction.

Auxiliary power on the new tow boat will be provided by two Cat 3306B generator sets, each rated 170 ekW at 1,800 rpm.

Bollinger Delivers Barges to American General Bollinger Marine Fabricators has delivered two 356 x 54 x 13 ft. asphalt barges to American General Transportation, Inc., Mobile, Ala.. The new double-skin vessels are the synthesis of many years of operational experience combined with ideas and suggestions from users.

Some of the differences in the AGT 3600 series asphalt capable barges include:

· A tank configuration of five tanks with a centerline bulkhead, which reduces the amount of cargo in each tank to improve damage stability and reduces the amount able to leak from any one tank in the event of an accident.

· The cargo system piping size, which was greatly enlarged to accommodate large cargo pumps.

· Large sumps fitted under all suctions to allow the best cargo stripping possible.

· An overfill alarm system fitted on each cargo tank to assist in avoiding spills.

· The generator engine and pump engines, installed in sound attenuated enclosures to reduce noise while discharging, which eliminates problems associated with noise sensitive areas and offers an additional degree of safety through improved voice communications.

Marco Shipyard Delivers Tractor Tug Marco Shipyard Seattle continued its successful tractor tug series with the delivery of its tenth member, Millennium Falcon, to Harley Marine Services of Seattle.

The powerful versatile tug is capable of providing ship assist, and inland and ocean towing. Similar to its predecessors, the first of which was delivered to Pacific Coast Maritime in 1995, the tug measures 105 ft. with an overall beam of 37 ft. and a molded depth of 17 ft. Millennium Falcon is powered by a pair of CAT diesels, providing a total of 4,400-bhp driving Ulstein Z-drive units.

Auxiliary power is provided by two CAT 3304BT diesels, each with 105-kW generators and hydraulic PTOs.

Supplied by Burrard Iron Works, the model HE split-drum headline winch is fitted with 500 ft. of 3-in. diameter Vetstran Line. Other equipment includes switchboards, distribution panels and wiring by Harris Electric; master alarm panel by Marine Controls; and electronics furnished by Radio-Holland USA.

Northwind Delivers Extreme Vessels The latest vessels from Northwind Marine's aluminum shops in Seattle illustrates the versatility of the "Extreme" boats' inflatable tube system mated to strong seaworthy hulls. The yard recently delivered a 26-ft. boat with a deck-mounted 6BTA5.9, 260-hp Cummins Marine diesel and a 27-ft. pilothouse model with a pair of Yamaha 200 V-6 outboards.

The Extreme 26, which is to be used as an open cockpit "multi-task" workboat, employs a Hamilton 274 waterjet, making for a highly maneuverable craft. The Extreme 27 is fast and will be used as an experimental test bed.

Northwind also delivered a second 19 ft. fire/rescue boat for lake and stream duty for crews of the El Dorado County Sheriff's Department in the Lake Tahoe Basin in California. The boat is powered by a 225-hp 4.3 liter EFI V-6 engine that powers both an American Turbine waterjet and a Fire Pro FP3-1200 fire monitor through a proprietary diverter valve system.

Oceaneering Launches Gulf MSV Oceaneering International, Inc., Houston, is adding a second new-build multi-service support vessel (MSV) to its Gulf of Mexico fleet. Ocean Intervention II, measuring 254 ft., will be equipped with an Oceaneering Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) for deep water construction, recovery, and exploration work, primarily in the oil and gas industry. The vessel is being built at Bollinger Shipyard, Lockport, La., and is scheduled to enter service in May, 2000.

Construction of a third vessel is under active consideration by Oceaneering.

Ocean Intervention II is a near-sistership to Oceaneering's original Ocean Intervention, which entered service in November, 1998. Both vessels feature redundant dynamic positioning (DPS-2), with DC electric drives powered by Cat 3500 Series B marine diesel generator sets. The main design modification to the new vessel is an added 11 ft. of hull length to better accommodate an additional Cat 3508B gen set and provide more electrical operations space.

Redundant dynamic positioning allows the vessels to hold precise positions, within one square meter of their targeted spot, and retain that position accuracy even in the event of losing power to a single stern Z-drive thruster or bowthruster, says Jack Schmidt, Oceaneering project manager.

"This redundancy, combined with our ability to hold station in at least a 35-knot beam wind and three-knot current, allows us to keep the vessels working year-round in heavy weather, at least 95 percent of the time based on recorded sea conditions in the Gulf," says Schmidt.

The boats feature two moon pools; 18-ft square vertical openings through the deck and hull. One pool is used for deployment of the ROV, and the second is used to lower and raise equipment. Ocean Intervention II is powered by General Electric DC electric drives connected to twin 2,000 bhp (1,491 bkW) Aquamaster azimuthing Z-drives on the stern and two 1,000 bhp (746 bkW) Kamewa tunnel thrusters on the bow. Two Cat 3516B gen sets rated 1,825 ekW at 1800 rpm and two Cat 3508B gen sets rated 910 ekW at 1800 rpm provide a total of 5,470 ekW to run all DC drives and deck machinery.

Cat 3500 Series B gen sets were selected for these vessels based on Oceaneering's analysis of both fuel consumption rates and ability to meet emissions standards, says Schmidt.

Dockside hotel load will be provided by a Cat 3406C gen set rated 260 ekW at 1800 rpm, and emergency power for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) certification will be provided by a Cat 3306B gen set rated 170 ekW at 1800 rpm.

Beckmann Boatshop Launches Totem 22 The Beckmann Steam and Electric Boatshop, Limited, in Rhode Island, has designed, built and launched the Totem 22, a new version of a tried-and-true steam launch. The adaptation of the popular Mase 22, eight ft. beam launch, was delivered to Ketchikan, Alaska.

Christened Alaskan Queen by new owners Mr. and Mrs. Pat Moore, the white-hulled vessel boasts a large glass-enclosed cabin, which accommodates the steam plant, helmsman and several passengers. The boiler heat is specifically meant to keep the interior of the cabin warm during the extended spring and fall cruising seasons.

Alaskan Queen is outfitted as a day boat with guest seating below, the operator's station to starboard, and with perimete seating for 10 guests aft in the open cockpit. The hydraulic steering system has three stations: forward center, starboard amidships (operator's), and starboard aft. The Totem 22 can be outfitted with berths for two, complete galley, head and dining table. It may be equipped with electic or diesel power.

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