New Tanker Delivered to Ardmore Shipping

July 27, 2015

25,000 DWT IMO 2 product and chemical tanker ship, Ardmore Chinook, joins Ardmore fleet
Ardmore Shipping Corporation announced that its latest newbuild tanker vessel, the Ardmore Chinook, was delivered by Japanese shipbuilder Fukuoka Shipbuilding Co. Ltd from its Nagasaki shipyard on July 17, 2015.
Ardmore Chinook (Photo: Ardmore Shipping)
Ardmore Chinook (Photo: Ardmore Shipping)
The Ardmore Chinook is a 25,000 DWT IMO 2 product and chemical tanker. Her addition to the Ardmore fleet increases the number of Ardmore vessels on the water to 21. Technical management of the Ardmore Chinook will be provided by Thome Ship Management Pte Ltd.
“We are pleased to welcome the Ardmore Chinook, sister ship to the Ardmore Cherokee and Ardmore Cheyenne, to our growing fleet,” said Ardmore Shipping’s COO Mark Cameron, commenting on the vessel’s delivery. “The addition of the Ardmore Chinook realizes our continued commitment to building a fleet of modern, fuel efficient and high quality vessels.”
As with the sister ships Ardmore Cherokee and Ardmore Cheyenne, the Ardmore Chinook is a high quality eco-design vessel, fully equipped with a variety of fuel-saving measures, including Skysails vessel optimization software, and offering the highest standards of performance, the shipper said.
Ardmore Chinook is the third of four newbuild vessels to be delivered from Fukuoka Shipbuilding this year, with the series’ remaining vessel due for delivery in the final quarter of 2015.

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