Concrete Floating Docks Delivered to Boston FD

May 6, 2016

(Photo: SF Marina Systems USA)
(Photo: SF Marina Systems USA)
(Photo: SF Marina Systems USA)
(Photo: SF Marina Systems USA)

As a part of a waterfront upgrade project at the Boston Fire Dept Burroughs Wharf Station, a floating dock system of Type 1200 concrete floating docks manufactured by SF Marina Systems USA was delivered.

The Type 1200 system was design to withstand the vessel loads and wave action of the exposed Boston harbor location. With winter holding on, Coastal Marine Construction accomplished the installation in tight quarters between the city piers.

The dock was designed in three sections with SF Marina’s post tensioning system utilized to form a single solid ramp landing area and finger for the fire department vessels. Gated pile guides will allow the whole system to be removed providing access to the fixed pier.

The units are constructed from reinforced concrete and Styrofoam, for superior strength, stability and buoyancy, they’re engineered to handle harsh weather conditions and attenuate waves. Requiring very little maintenance, the structures are designed to last decades.

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