Conference to Delve into Hybrid Power & Propulsion

June 29, 2015

The first international Hybrid Marine Power & Propulsion Conference will be held at the RNLI Lifeboat College, Poole UK from October 6-8, 2015.

Shock Mitigation will bring together an international group of experts, armed with the latest knowledge that will identify the potential of utilizing hybrid power and innovative propulsion systems for vessels in the sub IMO / sub 24 meter professional sector. 
Conference organizer and workshop lead for the Hybrid Marine events, John Haynes of Shock Mitigation, said, “Changes are coming fast in the sub IMO professional sector. Due to the range of technologies required boat builders, diesel engine OEMs and specialist component manufacturers now recognize that they need to work together to develop complete hybrid systems.”
The Hybrid Marine Conference brings together a dynamic marine industry group. Attendees will include end-user organizations, military, boat owners, operators, boat builders, engine manufacturers, mechanical and electrical engineers and naval architects. Breakout sessions will focus on the latest diesel / electric systems for wind farm support vessels, pilot boats, patrol craft, survey vessels, superyacht tenders and unmanned craft. Boat builders in the leisure sector will also benefit from attending.
For engine manufacturers, component suppliers and installers the take away knowledge will be relevant for strategic product development, engineering decisions and business development. Besides highlighting opportunities, including the use of electric drives and lithium ion batteries, the ongoing objective is to create affiliations that share engine data and work cycles for vessels in various sectors.
John Haynes added, “This is not just green energy for the sake of it. We are focusing on viable business cases for hybrid solutions. The Hour Of Power has been very well received by industry. This concept enables vessels to run in and out of port for an hour on battery power, then do their open sea work on diesel power. This reduces emissions, reduces diesel fuel consumption and extends maintenance periods.”
Hybrid is the “here and now” technology that is being utilized by many industries around the world. It is now a viable option for the professional maritime sector globally. For commercial, professional and military end user organizations the unique knowledge gained from Hybrid Marine Conference presentations will help to shape long term decisions that lead to improvements of in-service systems and procurement of next generation vessels. The objective is improved fuel saving and efficiency by all means.
Lead sponsor of the Hybrid Marine Power & Propulsion Conference is US lithium ion battery manufacturer XALT Energy. Robert Young, Technical Lead for Marine Applications at XALT Energy will share expertise from other transport sectors to identify the potential of hybrid systems for the maritime industry worldwide.
John Haynes of Shock Mitigation highlighted the benefits of learning from other industries, “It is great to have XALT onboard for this landmark event. Their extensive knowledge from automotive and land based applications explains the capabilities of next generation hybrid technology and why the marine industry needs to move forward now. It also makes sense to bring in expertise from aviation and other sectors to drive this innovation and support relevant safety standards.”
Hybrid Marine Power & Propulsion Conference 2015 – Program:
Evaluating Marine Hybrid Systems
Merits and disadvantages of serial and parallel hybrid systems
Next Generation Energy Storage & Charging
Investigating cells and battery technology including lead acid and lithium ion
Integrating Innovative Propulsion with Hybrid
Connecting new propulsion technology with traditional engines and electric power 
Energy Conversion
Utilizing shore power and onboard generation to create 'The Hour Of Power'
Motors & Generators
Learning from successful land applications including automotive and transport
Viable Hybrid for Sub IMO / Sub 24 meter Professional Sector 
Wind Farm Support Vessels – Pilot Boats – Patrol Boats – Unmanned Vessels
Naval Architecture & Boatyards
Adapting monohulls & catamarans to accommodate power storage & hybrid systems
Safety & Electrical Engineering Standards
Class rules, guidelines and testing for large maritime battery systems 
System Integration
Controller Area Network (CAN) from automotive applications meets NMEA2000 
Fuel Savings and Efficiency by All Means
Innovative solutions, including novel hull forms, cleaning and low resistance surfaces

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