SENER Presents at RINA Damaged Ship Conference

May 12, 2015

Damaged Ship, the conference organized by The Royal Institution of Naval Architects every two years in their headquarters in London, shows the major processes made over the last years around damaged stability in vessels and artifacts. This time SENER has presented a paper about the advantage of using a suitable CAD tool for this calculations, and in particular in its FORAN System.

The technical article was written by J.A. Muñoz, chief naval architecture group of development in FORAN and by R. Pérez, project manager and business development, both from SENER Marine and presented by the last one.

Photo: SENER
Photo: SENER

The work starts with the historic evaluation of the use of CAD tools for damaged stability calculations, and in particular the advantage of using FORAN, developed by SENER. This calculations originally were done manually, based on mathematical equations which remain valid today. However, the use of a towing tank combined with advanced CAD tools allow more accurate and powerful estimations. As an example, the area and volume calculations which can be very time-consuming is faster managed with tools based on mathematical formulations.

Due to this reason shipyards, design offices and universities rely on CAD tools to calculate the damaged stability, starting with some data at the concept design stage and obtaining very quickly the required outputs.

The purpose of this Conference is to expose and share procedures to minimize risks in passengers, crue, in the ship and environmentally, and to boost the development of tools to facilitate the stability calculation in damaged ships.

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