Coast Guard Yard Under New Command

June 9, 2008

Captain John Kaplan recently assumed command of the U.S. Coast Guard Yard in .  He is the 39th Commanding Officer in the 109-year history of the Yard, the only shipbuilding and ship repair facility of the United States Coast Guard.
Captain Kaplan took charge of the Coast Guard Yard from Captain Stephen Duca who had served as the shipyard’s Commanding Officer, May 2005 - May 2008.  Captain Duca retired from the U.S. Coast Guard with 27 years active duty service. Captain Kaplan assumed command of the shipyard from his assignment as Yard Industrial Manager, a position held since 2005.
Captain Kaplan graduated from the United States Coast Guard Academy in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Ocean Engineering.  Upon commissioning, he reported as a Student Engineer aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) POLAR STAR (WAGB-10).  Follow-on assignments included Coast Guard Headquarters Naval Engineering Boat Branch as Project Engineer for the 47’ MLB prototype and other major boat acquisitions; Engineer Officer, USCGC MELLON (WHEC 717); Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative for the Naval Engineering Support Unit Seattle Polar Console Replacement Project involving oversight of the successful installation and testing of the Machinery Control and Monitoring System on both Coast Guard POLAR icebreakers.  Additional assignments included Icebreaker Platform Manager, ; Headquarters Naval Engineering where he served as Project Officer for the USCGC ALEX HALEY conversion performed at the Coast Guard Yard; Commanding Officer, Naval Engineering Support Unit Seattle; Naval Engineering Support Branch Chief (vr) and Assistant Chief, Naval Engineering Division (va), Maintenance and Logistics Command Pacific.

Captain Kaplan earned postgraduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.  He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of . Captain Kaplan’s personal awards include four Meritorious Service Medals, three Coast Guard Commendation Medals, the Coast Guard Achievement Medal, the Arctic and Antarctic Service Medals, and numerous team and unit awards.

Captain Kaplan is an active participant and strong supporter of the American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) and is currently serving on the and Means Committee.

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