CMA CGM Launches Startup Awards

July 23, 2024

CMA CGM is launching the CMA CGM Startup Awards, an international competition to support the best startups in maritime transport, logistics, and media.

From July 23 to September 15, 2024, entrepreneurs worldwide in these three sectors are invited to apply via the ZEBOX website. Winners will receive funding, tailored support, and collaboration opportunities with the Group on strategic projects.

© Mariusz / Adobe Stock
© Mariusz / Adobe Stock

CMA CGM believes that entrepreneurial innovation is growing globally, addressing major challenges of our time and industry. The CMA CGM Startup Awards will identify the best innovations to accelerate its transformation across the Group's strategic areas: maritime transport, logistics, and media.

The best startup will be selected among the applicants for each area, with clear industry transformation objectives focused on environmental performance, competitiveness, and quality of life at work:

• Shipping: Enabling safer, more efficient, and sustainable navigation.

• Logistics: Reinventing the global supply chain with smart and sustainable logistics solutions.

• Media: Transforming communication and customer engagement with innovative media technologies and strategies.

CMA CGM will also recognize a "coup de cœur" candidate from the three sectors to encourage high-potential innovation.

Startups will be selected during a final event on October 16 at TANGRAM, CMA CGM’s center of excellence and innovation in Marseille. The jury, chaired by Rodolphe Saadé, Chairman and CEO of the Group, and including members of the executive committee representing CMA CGM’s various sectors, will evaluate the candidates.

Applicants must demonstrate the potential and maturity of their technological innovations and their ability to address a real market need. The jury will pay particular attention to the entrepreneurial team and possible synergies with the Group’s strategic areas.

Winning companies will receive tailored support from ZEBOX, the international accelerator initiated by Rodolphe Saadé, which operates in six regions worldwide, leveraging a network of entrepreneurs, industrial leaders, and ecosystem experts.

They will also receive financial support, with investments up to €150,000, and commercial partnership opportunities, including pilot project development aligned with CMA CGM’s strategic challenges.

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