Cloud-based Simulation Service for Maritime Radar Training from Kongsberg

November 30, 2020

As all industries work on digital solutions to deal with COVID-19 induced restrictions, Kongsberg Digital launched a new cloud-based simulation service for maritime radar training, an eLearning tool designed to enable instructors to manage and control exercises with realistic radar simulations to students, who now can practice and prepare for their exams anytime, anywhere and at their own pace.

Designed to be compliant with the IMO Model Courses 1.07 and 1.08, it assists in delivery of learning objectives such as marine radar operational principles; radar navigation and plotting; use of radar in Search and Rescue (SAR); and use of ARPA.

Kongsberg Digital’s new radar application will enable instructors to facilitate online radar training for students, who can practice anywhere and anytime using their own laptop and an internet connection. Photo: Kongsberg Digital
Kongsberg Digital’s new radar application will enable instructors to facilitate online radar training for students, who can practice anywhere and anytime using their own laptop and an internet connection. Photo: Kongsberg Digital

The radar simulation application is the first in a line of training applications to be released on K-Sim Connect as part of the K-Sim Navigation portfolio. Within the next few months the radar application will be supplemented with ECDIS, followed by increased functionality for the complete cloud-based K-Sim Navigation, which will be compliant with all the requirements for ship officer training as stated in the STCW convention.

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