Charting the Next 100 Years of Naval Station Norfolk

October 18, 2017

What does the future hold for Naval Station Norfolk, the world’s largest naval station? 
Building on the accomplishments of the last 100 years, leading experts will consider the possibilities and navigate toward a secure and sustainable future at the upcoming symposium, Naval Station Norfolk: Charting Our Next 100 Years, Friday October 20th at the Main, hotel and conference center. 

Panel topics include:
The Future Fleet Design session will be conducted by VADM Richard P. Breckenridge from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.. The session will discuss the USFF Fleet Design Plan that will drive the implementation of Fleet Design by 2023. The presentation on Fleet Design will define how the fleet, the Navy's highest tactical level, fights and wins in any environment shaped by significant changes in our strategic and operational environment. Fleet Design reflects an adaptation of our operational minds. The panel is composed of the following:
The Research and Technology session led by Commonwealth of Virginia Secretary of Technology Karen R. Jackson will be from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.. The panel is composed of the following:
Allied Command Transformation (ACT)/NATO will be run by Major General William B. Hickman From 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.. Panelists include:
During this session Dr. Matthew J. Burrows will provide insight on the importance of strategic foresight for governments, institutions, large corporations and financiers. He will also discuss the efforts that the United States has taken to consider global trends by addressing global trends and major concerns of the US over the next two years.
The Infrastructure session will be directed by COL Paul Olsen, USA (Ret.) from 3:15 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Panelists include:
A white paper will be published at the conclusion of the symposium. 

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