Elcome Opens Calibration Lab and Repair Facility

September 6, 2016

Elcome International has established a new calibration lab and electronics component repair facility at its worldwide headquarters in Dubai.

The calibration and electronics repair services are operated by Navicom Calibration LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Elcome.
Photo: Elcome
Photo: Elcome
Photo: Elcome
Photo: Elcome
Navicom is providing a full range of calibration and certification services for critical portable instruments and fixed systems. The operation is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by the Dubai Accreditation Center and the quality management systems are certified by DNV GL to ISO 9001:2008. It is staffed by engineers and technicians with combined professional experience of more than 60 years in calibration and support. They are factory trained to calibrate temperature, pressure, gas and electrical systems using master instruments from the world’s leading manufacturers. Market segments served include marine, offshore, oil/gas, aerospace, electromechanical, HVAC, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, medical, hotel and other sectors.
The electronics repair facility provides PCB and component-level service for electronic systems that are obsolete or no longer supported with spares by their manufacturers.
“The creation of a calibration services and component-level electronics repair subsidiary is a natural expansion of our rapidly growing business,” said Jimmy Grewal, executive director of Elcome International. “It is the next logical step in building our company into a global technology company providing a wide range of engineering, system integration, manufacturing, testing, repairs and service solutions, not only in the maritime industry but other industrial sectors as well.”
Earlier this year, Elcome was appointed an authorized Organizational Delegate Authority Service Center by Coltraco Ultrasonics to perform annual recalibration and first-line repairs for its liquid-level indicators for fire suppression systems and watertight integrity testing systems for ships.

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