Bouchard Vessels Awarded for Safety

June 21, 2017

On Wednesday, June 7, 2017 the Chamber of Shipping of America (CSA) awarded 43 Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc. operating vessels the Jones F. Devlin Award, recognizing their safety achievements in 2016. These 43 vessels operated a total of 364 years with no lost-time injuries.

The CSA grants Devlin Award certificates each year to manned merchant vessels that have operated for two or more years without incurring a Lost Time Injury (LTI).

“Bouchard continues to hold safety as a top priority, and we are proud to see our vessels honored with Devlin Awards year after year,” said Kevin Donohue, Bouchard’s VP of Safety & Vetting. “Thank you to all of Bouchard’s dedicated crewmembers, who skillfully work to ensure we are always operating according to our safety management system, policies and procedures. These outstanding achievements are a direct result of your tireless efforts.”

Ellen S. Bouchard (Photo: Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc.)
Ellen S. Bouchard (Photo: Bouchard Transportation Co., Inc.)
BTC Vessel / Years Accident Free
B. No. 205 / 3
B. No. 210 / 6
B. No. 215 / 10
B. No. 220 / 10
B. No. 225 / 9
B. No. 230 / 10
B. No. 231 / 9
B. No. 233 / 2
B. No. 235 / 9
B. No. 240 / 7
B. No. 242 / 8
B. No. 245 / 11
B. No. 250 / 4
B. No. 255 / 2
B. No. 260 / 8
B. No. 264 / 6
B. No. 265 / 10
B. No. 275 / 21
B. No. 280 / 9
B. No. 282 / 5
B. No. 284 / 7
B. No. 285 / 30
B. No. 295 / 10
Barbara E. Bouchard / 8
Bouchard Boys / 9
Bouchard Girls / 8
Brendan J. Bouchard / 10
Buster Bouchard / 9
Captain Fred Bouchard / 5
Danielle M. Bouchard / 10
Denise A. Bouchard / 2
Ellen S. Bouchard / 8
Evening Light / 12
Evening Mist / 13
Evening Star / 4
Evening Tide / 2
J. George Betz / 10
Linda Lee Bouchard / 10
Marion C. Bouchard / 8
Morton S. Bouchard IV / 12
Ralph E. Bouchard / 6
Rhea I. Bouchard / 9
Robert J. Bouchard / 3

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