Bloem Appointed Group Director Corporate Affairs at Damen
December 19, 2023
Martin Bloem will start as Group Director Corporate Affairs at Damen Shipyards Group
effective 1 January 2024. Image courtesy Damen ShipyardsMartin Bloem will start as Group Director Corporate Affairs at Damen Shipyards Group
effective 1 January 2024. Image courtesy Damen Shipyards
Martin Bloem will start as Group Director Corporate Affairs at Damen Shipyards Group effective January 1, 2024 a new position at the largest shipbuilding concern in the Netherlands.
Bloem was involved with the shipbuilding sector when working for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and he was later the general director of the industry association Netherlands Maritime Technology. After that, he took up a position as a partner at the strategic maritime consultancy Marstrat and held public-private positions in the Rotterdam region.