HYPACK Automatic Download of ENC Charts

March 27, 2014

The new HYPACK feature allows U.S.-based users to quickly obtain the most recent charts provided by NOAA and the USACE at no additional charge.

U.S.-based users who have an Internet connection will be able to download the charts from the USACE and NOAA web-map servers with the click of a button. Both agencies have made their charts available for download, and HYPACK has made it easy to ensure users have the latest chart data.

This is a two-step process:

Step One: Update ENC Catalog: HYPACK downloads the latest chart catalogs over the Internet from the NOAA and USACE map servers. This information is stored in the HYPACK 2014 folder.

Step Two: Add ENC Charts: HYPACK automatically downloads any NOAA S-57 Charts or USACE IENC Charts. It uses the extents of the HYPACK Map window and downloads any chart that has information inside that window. The charts are saved to the ACOE or NOAA subfolders under the \HYPACK 2014\Background folder.

In Figure 2, HYPACK 2014 downloaded five charts from the NOAA S-57 chart server and one chart from the USACE IENC (ACOE) chart server. It automatically sorts the chart to place the ones with the most detail on the top of the display.

The Advanced menu item displays the Web ENC window which allows for more specific control over which charts are loaded.

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