Aurora Offshore Welcomes First of Three Sea1 High-End Subsea Vessels

January 30, 2025

Norwegian vessel management and operations services provider Aurora Offshore, pat of Borealis Group, has welcomed the first of three high-end subsea vessels to the fleet as part of vessels transfer agreed with Sea1 Offshore.

The transferred ship, Siem Stingray, is a state-of-the-art subsea vessel built in 2014 and has a 250t AHC Crane, 1300 m2 Deck Area and Accommodation for 110 People.

(Credit: Aurora Offshore)
(Credit: Aurora Offshore)

The change of management has been completed between the vessel’s work scope, which is on long term contract with Subsea7.

Earlier in January, Aurora Offshore welcomed Siem Pearl and Siem Challenger to itsfleet. The two vessels have changed management to Aurora Offshore with the process being completed at Harøy, Norway for Siem Pearl and in Aberdeen on the Siem Challenger.

A total of 11 vessels will transfer over to Aurora Offshore as a part of its new collaboration with Sea1 Offshore, formerly Siem Offshore and Siem Oil Services Invest.

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