Bauzá New Lead of EU Anti-Piracy Campaign

December 14, 2009

Photo courtesy EU NAVFOR
Photo courtesy EU NAVFOR

On 11 Dec 2009, Rear Admiral Thorsten Kaehler (German Navy) handed over the responsibility of Deputy Operation Commander of the European Union Naval Force Somalia Operation ATALANTA, the EU anti-piracy campaign in the Horn of Africa area, to Rear Admiral Bartolomé Bauzá (Spanish navy). The handover was conducted in the Operational Headquarters in Northwood near London.

Rear Admiral Bartolomé Bauzá, prior to his new task, had assignments in Joint HQ, Fleet HQ, and Navy HQ (his last tour as DACOS Plans & Policy and Head of the Strategic Planning Branch). He has also served in surface ships, including serving two-year-tours as EW and Ops officer in the corvette Infanta Elena, destroyer Gravina and the frigates Andalucía and Cataluña.

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